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Journal of rehabilitation research and development (ISSN: 0007-506X)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Editor, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development; Office of Technology Transfer; VA Prosthetics R&D
Center; 103 South Gay Street; Baltimore, MD 21202; U.S.A.
Journal of school health (ISSN: 0022-4391)
Freqüência: Mensal Sept-Jun
Assinatura: American School Health Association; 7263 State Route 43; P.O. Box 708; Kent, OH 44240-0708; U.S.A.
Tel: (216) 678-1601
Fax: (216) 678-4526
Journal of sports chiropractic & rehabilitation (ISSN: 1084-1288)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Williams & Wilkins; 351 West Camden Street; Baltimore, Maryland 21 201-2436; U.S.A.
Tel: (800) 638-6423
Fax: 1-410-361-8048
Journal of sport & exercise psychology (ISSN: 0895-2779)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.; Box 5076; Champaign, IL 61825-5076; U.S.A.
Journal of sport and social issues (ISSN: 0193-7325)
Freqüência: Assinatura: Sage Publications; 2455 Teller Road; Thousand Oaks; CA 91359; U.S.A.
Tel: (805) 499-0721
Fax: (805) 499-0871
Journal of sport behavior (ISSN: 0162-7341)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Journal of Sport Behavior; Dept. of HPELS; University of South Alabama; Mobile, AL 36688-0002; U.S.A.
Journal of sport history (ISSN: 0094-1700)
Freqüência: 3 vezes por ano
Assinatura: Ronald A. Smith; NASSH Secretary-Treasurer; 101 White Building; Pennsylvania State University; University Park,
PA 16802; U.S.A.
Journal of sport management (ISSN: 0888-4773)
Freqüência: Semi-Anual
Assinatura: Human Kinetics; P.O. Box 5076; Champaign, IL 61825-5076; U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-747-4457
Fax: (217) 351-1549
Journal of sport rehabilitation (ISSN: 1056-6716)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.; Box 5076; Champaign, IL 61825-5076; U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-747-4457
Fax: (217) 351-1549
Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness (ISSN: 0022-4707)
Freqüência: Quadrimestral
Assinatura: Edizioni Minerva Medica; Corso Bramante 83-85; 10126 Torino; Italy
Tel: (011) 67.82.82
Fax: (011) 31.21.736

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